Pragmatics- Orange
Phonology- Lime Green
Semantics- Blue
Syntax/Morphology- Yellow
Discourse- Pink
Metalinguistics- Green
Then, I created my giant bulletin board behind my desk to give kids a constant visual reminder. Each strand of yarn was spread across the bulletin board and matched up with its name.
To add another visual/tactile tool to my lessons, I also created a mini version of the strands for each kid to utilize during the lessons. Dry-erase word/sentence strips and markers were also given to the kids just because they love writing on them so much! I had them write down the name of the current strand we were learning about for additional feedback. Here are the materials used for the Six Strands lessons:
Instead of jumping right into the Pragmatics strand, I dedicated my first session to introducing all of the strands via PowerPoint. I gave a very brief overview of each one so the kids knew what color each one was and an idea of what it stood for. We then played a little matching game where they matched the name of the strand to the color and/or definition. Next time, I won't waste my time with this overall introduction! It was too quick for them to even understand what each strand stood for and just wasn't as helpful as I thought it would be. In the future, I will just jump into teaching the Pragmatics strand right away.
Pragmatics Strand Lesson:
Materials: mini strands, sentence strips, markers, whiteboard, book, iPad
Book used: Manners by Aliki
Summary of lesson: Began the lesson by having the kids show me their orange strand and set it out in front of them. I then told them to write the word PRAGMATICS on their sentence strips. Once this was done, I gave them a kid-friendly definition of Pragmatics and gave them some real-world examples. Next, I read parts of the book Manners by Aliki. I just skipped around to the pages that I liked best. We discussed good vs. bad pragmatics as I read the book. I made sure to use the word a lot so they could relate the word to its meaning. I would ask them "was that good or bad pragmatics?" and they would have to answer "good pragmatics" or "bad pragmatics." I found this video on YouTube that is PERFECT for teaching pragmatics so we watched it (skipped around to good parts) and discussed certain behaviors throughout.
Flummox and Friends Video
We ended the 15 minute Pragmatics introduction by making a semantic web on my little whiteboard. I put the word Pragmatics in the middle and then talked about all those different things we read in the book and saw in the video.
(Please excuse the sloppiness, I was writing upside down!)
Phonology Strand Lesson:
Materials: mini strands, sentence strips, markers, whiteboard, bookBook Used: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
Summary of Lesson: Began the lesson by having the kids show me their Lime Green strand and set it out in front of them. Then had them write the word PHONOLOGY on their sentence strips. Provided them with a kid-friendly definition of Phonology and gave them some examples. This time we actually completed the semantic web first. Wrote Phonology in the middle and then wrote down the subcategories and gave examples- phonemic awareness (includes rhyming, segmenting, blending etc.), articulation, spelling, and sound-symbol relationship. We discussed Dr. Seuss and how he always includes rhyming in his books. I told them to listen for rhyming words as we read the book. After reading parts of the book, we used the rest of the time to further discuss the different areas of Phonology.
Semantics Strand Lesson:
Materials: mini strands, sentence strips, markers, whiteboard, book
Book Used: Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish
Summary of Lesson: Began the lesson by having the kids show me their Blue strand and set it out in front of them. Then had them write the word SEMANTICS on their sentence strips. Provided them with a kid-friendly definition of the word Semantics and gave them examples. We talked about figurative language such as "it's raining cats and dogs." The kids always get a kick out of that one! We talk about how the words say one thing but it means something else. I tell them that Amelia Bedelia doesn't have very good Semantics because she doesn't understand what the people are asking her to do. As we go through the book and see what Amelia does, I ask them what the people REALLY wanted her to do. The kids just love this book! We also talk about how Semantics includes the definition of individual words and how we can find those definitions in a dictionary. Finish the lesson by making the web.
Syntax/Morphology Strand Lesson:
Materials: mini strands, sentence strips, markers, whiteboard, book
Book Used: Unfortunately by Remy Charlip
Summary of Lesson: Began the lesson by having the kids show me their Yellow strand and set it out in front of them. Then had them write the word SYNTAX & MORPHOLOGY on their sentence strips. Provided them with a kid-friendly definition of the words and gave them examples. Made a semantic web prior to reading the book. Discussed cohesive ties and how we are going to use them to combine sentences while reading the book. Stopped every few pages and wrote down two simple sentences on my whiteboard (ex. His friend loaned him an airplane. The motor exploded.). I had the kids figure out which cohesive tie word would best combine these two sentences to make one big sentence (ex. His friend loaned him an airplane BUT the motor exploded.). Sometimes I made up sentences that went with the pictures so we could use other cohesive tie words besides 'but' (ex. The boy had to have surgery. He fell on a pitchfork. --------> The boy had to have surgery BECAUSE he fell on a pitchfork.). After the story we discussed the other subcategories (verb tense and morphology).
Discourse and Metalinguistics Strands:
For these two strands I did not read a book, but instead gave definitions/examples and said we will learn more about these things as the year goes on. We did phonemic awareness tasks to demonstrate how metalinguistics means manipulating and thinking about our language. So I would say "tell me SPEECH without the S" and things like that. These two areas are definitely harder to grasp than the others so I didn't want to waste too much time on them.
After introducing all the strands, I showed the kids a little key I made which shows which strands they are working on in speech class. It is basically just a table in Microsoft Word with all the kids names in one column and colored circles corresponding to the strands in the next column. So "Sally" may have a lime green, blue, and pink circle next to her name indicating she is working on phonology, semantics, and discourse. I actually put a pink circle next to ALL of their names (except articulation only kids) since that is something everyone needs work on. The kids were really excited to look up their name and see which strands they are working on now that they know what each one is! I think this activity really gives kids that level of awareness that is necessary for progress in speech and language. Now that they know what they are working on, they don't have to answer their teachers or parents with "I don't know" when asked why they are in speech! The LD teacher at my school came up to me and said one of our 3rd graders told her that he was working on his PRAGMATICS in speech class! He even gave her the definition of Pragmatics!!! YAYY!! Needless to say, she was VERY impressed :-)
So that is how I introduced the Six Strands of Language! Please let me know if you have any questions or want to share any ideas that would go along well with these lessons!
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